Couponing My Way To The Islands!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

~Tip of the Day!~

If you don't have money to pay for it (cash), then don't buy it until you do.
This is a tough one! We all want things on our own time, not usually when we can afford them. I'm part of this crew too! However, my sweet hubby and I don't take any vacations or make any purchases unless we have the money to pay for it now. It would not feel like a "vacation" if we had to pay for it when we returned. No thanks on that!
The funny thing is that so many times while you are waiting and saving for that item, you realize that you really didn't want it that much anyway or you find a different one you like better. Trust me, you appreciate everything sooooooo much more when you know what it is like to want and dream of it!

Happy Tuesday!

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