Couponing My Way To The Islands!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

~Victim vs. Victor~

Are you the victim or the Victor of your financial situation?

Do you talk to your children about saving up for something special or do you say "we can't afford it!"

Do you explain to them the importance of paying cash?

Do you talk to them about having the money in hand BEFORE making a purchase?

Do you talk to them about not being a "slave to the lender" when they grow up?

Do you rejoice and give God the glory for the money that you have?

Are you truly thankful for what you have?

Are you a financial brat (we're broke, we never have any money, we never get nice things, etc.)
Do you consider everything that you have a gift & blessing from the Lord?

Do you do a written budget or just hope it all works out?

Do you spend more than you make? Then do you spend even more because you figure that you already blew it?

Do you consistently have more month than money left over?

Do you eat out when you don't have money in the budget for it?

Do you take and never give?

Do you tithe 10% of your income?

Do you find every way possible to make extra money if it is needed?
Do you moan and groan and hope that someone will feel sorry for you and give you money?

Do you have a victim mentality?

Are you passing along a victim mentality to your children regarding money?

Do you speak life over your finances in front of your children (YOUR legacy)?

Do you fight with your spouse about finances or do you come together as a team to make a game plan?

Do you use your credit card to live on, instead of living off what you make?

Do you know people asking a church or other organizations for money when they could be out making some for their family?
*I want to make this very clear....Yes, I do believe that a part of my tithe to my church needs to go to those "in need". However, I don't believe that is intended for people who have overspent and can't afford their utility bill or car payment. That is my point.

Ouch....I fully realize that may sting for someone reading this. Please keep reading. I feel that God has placed this post on my heart and that someone really needs to read this. It is not my intention to make anyone feel bad about anything. It is my intention to bring light to a situation that you may need to change, possibly that you didn't even realize.

Are you trapped in financial bondage? Do you want to be set free?

Do you want other people to feel sorry for your finances?
Do you want to tell of God's love, mercy & faithfulness?

Do you want to OVERCOME any and every obstacle that comes your way financially so that you can tell of HIS glory and faithfulness?

Do you want to be a Victor? I do!

I encourage you that today is not too late to begin your journey to financial FREEDOM. YOU CAN BE A VICTOR! You can turn your finances around. Make a choice for you and your family and stick with it. Will it be difficult? Yes! Isn't everything in life worth having?! You can do it! You can live differently than you think you can. You can make changes to improve your financial future! I promise that if you stand on the promises of God, you will be blessed.

Please feel free to leave a comment or email me. I would LOVE to hear how and when you decided to stop being the victim and started being the VICTOR!


"Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it."
~Malachi 3:10~

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