Couponing My Way To The Islands!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

~Another Seminar!~

Monday evening I will be teaching another seminar, but this time the girl hosting is calling it a "Sassy Savings Party!". She is having dinner & desserts = yummy! I will try to remember to take pictures this time. I just get so wrapped up in what we are talking about that I don't think to grab my camera. I promise, I will try to remember tomorrow!
I had a funny thing happen to me Saturday night while at a birthday party. A girl came up to me and said "you are the queen of sassy savings!" I smiled and said yes. She said that she was from the Austin area and has her entire town reading. She was the cutest and sweetest little momma of 3 girls! I got to meet the husband too. They were an adorable family! Thank you so much for giving me that compliment. Sometimes I wonder if I am just wasting my time doing this blog because it does take up a great deal of time between my research and then just the time typing and such. Then I will have a person say that they check it everyday and I remember why I do it. So, thank you for the reminder.
This week will be a little off for me. I don't plan on doing any shopping..You heard me right...No shopping for a week! I will post any great deals I run across between now and Wednesday. I won't have internet access after that until next week.
Hope you all have a very blessed week!


Wendy C. said...

O'Shields- It was so nice meeting you and lovely to attend your seminar and learn so many more ways that I can save my family money.... I'm so excited to go shopping this week! I came home and told my husband we need to start cleaning out some closet and cabinet space, because I'm about to start stock piling! Cheers! Wendy

mattandpj said...

So glad to have met you saturday night. keep up the good work. you are an encouragement to many! also, i have found some redbox codes. if you go to Walgreens, you can use, DVDATWAG. other codes are DVDONME & BREAKROOM. if you pay with different cards, you can use these codes more than once! we got 6 free movies this week!