This post is all about laundry detergent. I get asked questions about what kind of laundry detergent I use on a weekly basis. So, here is the skinny on my laundry :)
I use several different brands of detergents for different types of loads.
Example: Tide= on my nice clothing
Example: Purex, Gain or All= on my whites...I also use bleach and wash them in hot water.
Example: I will only use a detergent with fabric softener on my sheets.
Example: I will use a cheaper detergent on my towels since I wash them in hot water.
Example: For tough stains, I will use All stainlifter.
My clothes are clean and always smell fresh regardless of which detergent I use. I am particular about my nicer clothing and black clothing because I don't want it to fade. By using several different brands, I'm able to save money. If I only used the most expensive (Tide) on everything, I would miss out on a great deal of savings from the cheaper or FREE detergents that I've gotten.
Another important thing I should mention is using the correct amount. Always read on the back of the container and dispense the proper amount. There is no need to use twice the amount when half of it would get the job done.
Make sense? Hope this helps!
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